Barry and Paul Mindich – Survivalists

paul and barry mindichBarry and Paul are twin brothers who share a passion for wilderness survival.   Nothing gives them more pleasure than to be in the woods, living a primitive life, using their many skills to live as man has done for thousands of years.

They studied together under renowned nature survivalist Tom Brown, graduating his wilderness school at an advanced level.  They have spent many years refining the skills they learned, and passing their knowledge on to others, including Boy Scouts and other outdoor organization

Paul is a teacher and Barry is an exterminator by profession, but at weekends they become clowns and magicians, working for Paul’s company, Paul the Magic Clown.  When they are not  entertaining, however, they are in the woods, working on their shelter or practicing survival skills. “I have cherished the clarity of being able to step into the woods and feel at home”,  Barry says of his time spent in the wilderness, and Paul is in full agreement.

Among the skills and experiences that they offer are friction fire making and other survivalist fire starting tricks, tracking, trapping, fishing, shelter building, flint knapping, tool and weapon making, basket weaving, and different methods of wilderness cooking.

Their teaching style is casual and relaxed and yet thorough, taking students step by step through proven techniques, virtually guaranteeing a successful outcome.  They are as comfortable working with children as they are with adults.  They drawing upon their entertainment skills to make their workshops lively and engaging.  They are magicians whether entertaining at a party or living in the wood.  To see one of  them creating fire, merely by rubbing two pieces of wood together is some of their most amazing magic.

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