Elana Fine – Herbalist

Elana Fine Herbalist

Elana Fine Herbalist

Elana Fine is an herbalist from the Wise Woman tradition, since 1997 she has been learning the power of plants, and the ways in which they can be used as remedies and medicinal teas.

Her interest  began at the age of twelve after reading Jethro Kloss’s book, “Garden of Eden”.  She began to read any book she could find on the subjects of wild edibles and herbal remedies and found a teacher and her way onto this path 14 years ago.

After attending a Tom Brown workshop in 1997, Elana realized that this was to become her life’s passion.  In the years that followed she studied wild edibles and herbal medicine with such renown teachers as Karen Sherwood, Robin Rose Bennet, Susan Weed and Peeka Treenkle, as well as studying meditation and Native American Philosophy.

Elana is a member of the Westchester Herbalist Guild, and the Northeast Herbalist Association.

She has been teaching workshops along with Suburban Foragers since the summer of 2010, and will continue in the coming year to expand her involvement as an educator in their 8 month intensive plant study and nature crafts course, which begins in late April of 2011.

Elana has a very pleasant and nurturing manor which makes studying with her an enjoyable experience, filled with useful information and wonderful discoveries.











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